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Talk to our eXpert team to find out how our expertise and experience can help your business achieve its goals, sooner.  Our consultants are based in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and regional centres in Australia.

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Talk to our eXpert team to find out more.


1300 287 213


Building 1, Level 2, Kings Row, 52 McDougall Street, Milton, QLD, 4064

Postal:  PO Box 5393, Kenmore East, QLD, 4069

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no such thing as a bad question, but life is a little easier
if someone has asked it already.

My Payroll function works well, is it likely I have a problem?

Often payroll functions well, despite there being payroll errors occurring. With award changes happening regularly, staffing changes, roster changes etc., minor issues and discrepancies in how people are paid can occur despite them being paid on time every time. A Payroll Health Check is the safest way to know if your people are being paid correctly and avoids the risk of needing remediations in the future…or worse, fines and unhappy workers.

I don't need Payroll support, do you do more than Payroll?

Yes! It’s a common misconception that we are ‘just the payroll people’, but our team are eXperts is all things HR, Time and Attendance, Workforce Management and Payroll. Let us help you with your problem or project. 

Will my organisation be fined if errors are found?

There are no hard or fast rules regarding fines, but what is guaranteed is that by being proactive and taking the first step in uncovering and resolving issues, your people and the governing bodies will be more forgiving than if external measures find the problems. Take the first step today in ensuring things are done right.

I don’t know what my organisation needs - where do we start?

This is very common – don’t worry! We often find clients don’t know what or if they need us, our team of eXperts are highly skilled in working with our clients to help them establish what they need and how best we can support them in achieving the best possible outcomes – our goal is to get your business back to growing smoothly and running as best it can.

We have started a project and need help, is this something you can do?

We have you covered – projects often start well and with grand plans for success, but they often derail to varying degrees. As experts in project delivery with a vast array of methods to support the best outcomes, including our HOAP® approach, we can get projects back on track efficiently and effectively.