The Queensland Health (QH) payroll department have been making headlines once again as staff have been found to be both overpaid and underpaid due to a payroll error. The state government has admitted the mistake, which has resulted in thousands of employees being affected. This latest incident highlights the ongoing problems with the QH payroll system and processes, which has been plagued with issues since its introduction in 2010.
According to a recent article by 9 News, this recent payroll error has over and underpaid thousands of QH staff members, around 4,000 of which were overpaid. This is just the latest in a string of issues that have plagued the payroll department, with previous problems including incorrect payments and delays in payment processing.
In 2013, the Queensland Health Inquiry reported that Brett Cowan, CEO – Payroll Experts Australia, was a voice of reason. The former User Acceptance Test Manager who played a key role in the implementation of the QH payroll system had warned the Queensland government about the risks of implementing the system before it was rolled out, but his concerns were ignored. Subsequent to this disaster, Brett founded Payroll Experts Australia.
Our previous blog and webinar highlights some of the lessons that can be learned from the QH payroll disaster. One of the key takeaways is to make sure you’ve got the best team working in your organisation’s best interest.
So, what can be done to address these ongoing payroll issues for QH? One solution is to engage external consultants, like us, to conduct a payroll health check or payroll processing audit. This can help to identify any issues or areas of concern, as well as provide recommendations for improvement. Bringing in external consultants also gives you insights on what best practice looks like and can shake up your existing ways of working.
By learning from past mistakes, there is an opportunity to improve processes and ensure that staff are paid accurately and on time. If you are experiencing payroll issues, consider reaching out to Payroll Experts Australia to conduct a Payroll Health Check or Payroll Processing Audit and help prevent future issues.
Businesses can email or call 1300 287 213 for free first-step advice on how to ensure your Payroll processes can safeguard your Payroll compliance. Follow us on LinkedIn or sign up here to receive our articles direct to your email inbox.
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